Create a new site restriction or path update rule. 创建新站点限制或路径更新规则。
This is the path for the content affected by this rule. 这是受此规则影响的内容的路径。
The legislative ethical form, the judicial ethical application and the ethical mechanism of abiding by law formulate the ethical path of the rule of law culture. 立法的伦理形式、司法的伦理适用与守法的伦理机制是法治文化的主要伦理路径。
If a virus has been sent through e-mail, you can also create a path rule to prevent users from running mail attachments. 如果已经通过电子邮件发送了病毒,还可以创建路径规则以阻止用户运行邮件附件。
It is put forward that the optimal launch point should be selected in the common segment of attacking path and attacking area according to the rule of maximizing the overall kill probability. 提出在攻击航线与攻击区的相交段上,以综合杀伤概率最大化原则来选择多目标攻击的最佳发射点。
Edit the properties of an existing site restriction or path update rule. 编辑现有站点限制或路径更新规则的属性。
Out of Constitutional Review& The Path of Applying the Constitution in Lawsuits The appeal court rule that the action of the attorney general is unconstitutional. 走出违宪审查的迷思&当今中国宪法进入诉讼的路径分析上诉法院裁定,检察总长的行为是违反宪法的。
From Local Government to Local Governance: According to the Reading of New-institutionalism On Systemized Coordination Pertaining to Cooperation of Local Governments& the Regional Government's Path to Rule of Law 从地方政府管理到地方治理:基于新制度主义的解读地方政府之间合作的制度化协调&区域政府的法治化路径
In the Path box, type a path for the content affected by this rule. 在路径框中,键入受此规则影响的内容的路径。
On Systemized Coordination Pertaining to Cooperation of Local Governments& the Regional Government's Path to Rule of Law 地方政府之间合作的制度化协调&区域政府的法治化路径
Scowcroft, Eagleburger and Schlesinger agreed that the path to a stable and secure Afghanistan lies through economic development, good governance and the rule of law. 斯考克罗夫特、伊格尔伯格和施莱辛格都同意,阿富汗通往稳定和安全的道路依赖经济发展,良好的管理,以及法治。
The theoretical path of the Russian "Rule of Law State" corresponds with the course of social structural transition in Russia with civil society as its logical starting point, i.e. the idea of civil society constituting the social basis of a rule of law state. 俄罗斯法治国家的理论路径是与俄罗斯社会结构转型进程相回应的,并以市民社会为其逻辑起点,即认为市民社会构成了法治国家的社会基础;
We expand the coverage rule from the traditional path coverage, that is the Message Queue Coverage rule from Collaboration Model. 通过扩展传统测试中的路径覆盖准则,提出了一个基于协作图模型的消息序列覆盖准则。
The marriage custom provides new perspective to observe the rule by law and the path to development of the rule by law. 婚俗也为人们观察法治提供了新视角,辩明法治的发展路径。
Plan Path to Rectify Learning in ICAI Based on Association Rule 基于关联规则的ICAI系统中矫正学习路径规划
The path to rule of law in China must obey five points as following. 中国法治实现的路径应从五个方面着手。
Based on the closed time path formalism, a deduced Feynman rule for directly calculating the retarded and advanced Green functions is given. 在闭合时间路径温度场论基础上,导出了直接计算推迟和超前格林函数的一种费曼规则。
The view of power culture determines a country's path of historical development, also makes the degree of prosperity of its rule of law different. 不同的权力文化观决定着各国不同的历史发展道路,也使得法治在各国兴衰程度迥然不同。
The core of this article is whether the regulation of minimum capital requirments of LLC derived from path dependance are justified, and what model of rule is an optimal arrangement. 本文的核心话题是:路径依赖下派生的我国有限责任公司最低资本额规制是否妥当,何种规则模式下的安排,方为最优。
In addition, the migration behavior and plugging capacity of the gel particle slug in cores on the channeling path were analyzed through plugging factor distribution and its dynamic rule measured in multi-point core simulation experiments. 根据多测点岩心模拟实验得到的封堵系数分布及其动态规律,分析了凝胶颗粒段塞在岩心中的运移特性及其对窜流通道的封堵能力。
The construction of rule of law in China should choose the path of substantive rule of law, but to impel its advance, a series of formal law systems also need consummating. 中国的法治建设应走实质法治的道路,但需要通过完善一系列形式性的法律制度来推动。
Such concepts as independent triggering cycle, dependent triggering cycle, activation path, inhibited activation cycle and inhibited activation rule are presented in this paper. 本文提出了独立型触发环、非独立型触发环、活化路径、禁止活化环、禁止活化规则等概念。
This text has counted the electric wave propagation path loss of street in one kind of typical rule range urban area, and reaches calculation data fairly with the measured data in the document. Then calculate and analyze electric wave propagation's characteristic in urban area. 本文计算了一种典型的规则排列城市环境中街道的电波传播路径损耗,并与文献中实测及计算数据比较,然后对一种非规则城市环境的电波传播特性进行了分析计算。
Put forward the path that resolves the above-mentioned problem also, then set up the enforcement evidence rule of perfect science. 并提出解决上述问题的途径,即构建完善科学的执行证据规则。
In fields of legislation, judgment and observation of the law, lots of his thoughts have great theoretical and practical significances, for current China establishing and perfecting the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, taking the path of the rule of law. 他关于立法、司法和守法方面的很多思想,对当前我国建立和健全中国特色社会主义法制,走依法治国道路,具有重要的理论和实践意义。
The model of modernization of the rule of law in Britain is the empirical model of modernization of the rule of law, the road is a progressive improvement of the endogenous development path the rule of law. 英国法治现代化模式是经验主义的法治现代化模式,其道路是渐进改良的内生型法治发展道路。
In this work, we try to introduce the notion of association rule into the Web mining system and represent the user traversal path in the form of association rule. The aim is to discover the visit patterns from the Web log. 本文的工作,是致力于将关联规则的概念引入到Web挖掘系统中,将用户的访问路径以关联规则的形式表现出来,其目的在于从用户访问超文本系统的行为中发现用户的访问模式。
The transition path is to follow the rule by law, require a realistic basis, legal basis and practical case to be examined. 这一转变过程是否遵循法治的轨迹,需要对其现实基础、法律依据以及实践情况加以考察。
This thesis mainly discusses the problem of searching optimal path in the traffic intelligent, puts forward the improved algorithm based on association rule and rough set, expounds its fundamental theory and principle of algorithm. 本文主要研究了智能交通中的寻求最优路径问题,提出了基于关联规则和粗糙集的改进算法,阐述了其基本理论及算法原理,并通过仿真实验验证了算法的假设。
Thirdly, we propose a correction algorithm based on relationship graph, as well as an algorithm based on trigger path to improve the accuracy of spatial rule termination analysis. 随后,为了提高空间规则终止性分析算法的精确性,提出了基于关联图的修正算法和基于触发路径的终止性分析算法。